Out of the Night (eBook)

Out of the Night (eBook)

  • Author: Patrick Whalen
  • Page Count: 400 pages (estimated)
  • Pub. Date: May 28, 2013
  • Status: E-Book

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Out of the Night
by Patrick Whalen

About the eBook:
The strangers came under cover of darkness and camped high on the hill just west of town. Then the deaths began - horrible, savage, beyond comprehension - one every night for five nights. When two young boys disappeared, the enraged townsfolk of Ravina swept up the cemetery hill, a dark vengeful mass knowing neither pity nor remorse - only the terrible need to shed blood for blood. In their walk they left six grim shadows hanging from a gnarled oak tree.

A century later the cemetery still stands atop the hill. The mortuary is presided over by the horrcove twins, wizened old men who rarely see the light of day. And death has returned to Ravina, California. A series of grotesque murders committed at night has the town in the grip of terror.

Only one man - famed archeologist Martin Larchmont - suspects the truth. His convictions are looked upon as the raving of a crazy old man, yet as the murders continue, only Larchmont can save the town. He joins forces with Sheriff Henry Sutton, once a non-believer, now driven by hi own desire for revenge.

Together they must fight against the consuming evil that threatens to engulf them all...

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Patrick Whalen grew up in Washington state. Following high school, he and three friends joined the army and went into the paratroopers. After a three year stint in the army, he enrolled in college and eventually obtained his Master's Degree in Social Work from the University of Washington. He went on to work in Child Protective Services in Tucson, Arizona, and then went to work in California for an agency which serves the developmentally disabled and mentally ill. While working at the agency, Mr. Whalen wrote four successful horror novels. Eventually, working full time and writing proved to be too much and he put writing aside. He now resides in a small town in California, and is retired and thinking about taking up writing again. He is enjoying retirement and spends most of his free time trying to teach the golden retreiver he adopted from the local pound how to fetch. Currently the dog's attitude seems to be,'you threw it. You go get it.'

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