What Happened at Sunrise Gardens, by Nate Southard

What Happened at Sunrise Gardens, by Nate Southard

  • Author: Nate Southard
  • Artist: Zach McCain
  • Page Count: 102
  • Pub. Date: March 2024
  • ISBN: 978-1-58767-980-3
  • Status: In-Stock

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What Happened at Sunrise Gardens
by Nate Southard

About the Book:

Reverend Shaw promised them freedom. He promised them paradise. They followed him deep into the jungle and founded Sunrise Gardens, their Heaven on Earth.

Things have changed, though. Something terrible lurks beyond the borders of Sunrise Gardens, and it creeps closer with each breath. When it reaches their paradise, it will destroy them all. There will be agony and horror and awful bloodshed, and there is nothing any of them can do to fight back.

Now, Reverend Shaw has a plan. It will not save them, but it will ease their suffering. A moment of pain, and then peace. All they must do is drink.

But what if it’s not real? How is anyone supposed to know the truth when the rest of the world is so far away? Who will they believe, and what will they choose?

This is What Happened at Sunrise Gardens.

Published as a trade paperback:
• Featuring full color cover artwork
• Featuring full page artist illustrations
• Retail price $15

NATE SOUTHARD is an author and filmmaker. His books include Bad Dogs, Porcelain, and Will the Sun Ever Come Out Again? His stories have appeared in such publications as Cemetery Dance and Nightmare Magazine, while his short films have screened at numerous festivals throughout the world. Nate lives in Texas with his partner and a particularly fluffy dog. He teaches scriptwriting and film production at Ausitn Community College and The University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Nate loves fried chicken and would positively murder for some right now.