Cemetery Dance #68: King, Hautala, Chadbourne

Cemetery Dance #68: King, Hautala, Chadbourne

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Issue #68: The Glenn Chadbourne Special Issue

Publication Date: December 2012
Cover Artist: Glenn Chadbourne
Interior Artists:
Glenn Chadbourne
Page Count: 104

A Note From the Publisher:
This issue celebrates one of my favorite artists and all around great guy, Glenn Chadbourne. I have been honored to work with Glenn for many years now and even more honored to call him a good friend. This special issue features cover to cover story illustrations by Glenn, as well as an in-depth interview and a new short story by Glenn and Holly Newstein. Of special note to Stephen King fans, "The Glass Floor" was published in Startling Mystery Stories in 1967 and was his first professional sale. It has never appeared in any of his collections.

"The Glass Floor" by Stephen King
"Shadow Pond" by Glenn Chadbourne & Holly Newstein
"Aisle Seat" by Rick Hautala
"The Bleeding Child" by Bruce McAllister
"Electric Mist Confidential" by Weston Ochse
"The Ghosts of Famous Men" by Rick Koster
"Hawkin Rhone" by Elizabeth Voss

"An Interview with Glenn Chadbourne" by Brian James Freeman

The Usual Suspects
"Words from the Editor" by Richard Chizmar
"Stephen King News: From the Dead Zone" by Bev Vincent
"The Last 10 Books I've Read" by Ellen Datlow
"Fine Points" by Ed Gorman
"The Mothers and Fathers Italian Association" by Thomas F. Monteleone
"Horror Drive-In" by Mark Sieber
"MediaDrome" by Michael Marano
"Spotlight on Publishing" by Robert Morrish
"Cemetery Dance Reviews"
"The Final Question" by Brian James Freeman