In the Cold, Cold Ground, edited by Ed Kurtz
- Editor: Ed Kurtz
- Artist: Don Noble
- Page Count: 388
- Pub. Date: October 2023
- ISBN: 978-1-58767-940-7
- Status: In-Stock
About the Book:
Join William D. Carl, Kristin Dearborn, Ed Kurtz, Errick Nunnally, Kyle Rader, and Morgan Sylvia for six novellas—one for each state in New England—that explore the region from its haunted past to a horrifying vision of its future. Hidden doorways into bleak spirit realms and impossible pockets of time, ancient specters that inhabit the dark woods, unwanted visitors from unknown worlds and a cruel siren call from the waves crashing against the rocks…a hexad of horror from deep in the cold, cold ground.
Published as a trade paperback:
• Printed on 60# acid-free paper
• Featuring full color cover artwork
• Retail price $20.00
William D. Carl is the author of Bestial, Primeval, Out of the Woods, Three Days Gone, and The School That Screamed as well as the novella Safe Places. He has published short fiction in over fifty anthologies and magazines, including In Laymon’s Terms, Out of the Gutter, The Many Faces of Van Helsing, Damned Nation, Retro Horror, Skin & Ink, and Wicked Weird. He lives with his partner of 32 years and one rather large hound dog in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. By day, he is a book buyer for An Unlikely Story, and by night he watches far too many crazy movies to enumerate. He likes pie.
Ghosties and ghoulies and long-leggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night: that’s Kristin Dearborn in a nutshell. A life-long New Englander and horror writer, Dearborn earned her MFA at Seton Hill University. She’s been on the horror scene since 2010 with her short stories and novellas, and has contributed to a number of anthologies. Dearborn is the author of The Amazing Alligator Girl, Sacrifice Island, Woman in White, Whispers, Stolen Away, and Trinity. If Dearborn is taking a break from all things blood-curdling, she’s likely scaling mountains, zipping around Vermont on a motorcycle, hanging out with her dog, or gallivanting around the globe looking for her next novel’s horrifying inspiration.
Ed Kurtz is the author of The Rib from Which I Remake the World, Bleed, the Boon trilogy, and other novels. His short fiction has been honored in Best American Mystery Stories and Best Gay Stories and he has written for film magazines like Paracinema and Fantasm Presents. Ed lives in Connecticut with his partner, author doungjai gam. In the Cold, Cold Ground is his first anthology as editor.
Errick Nunnally was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, and served one tour in the Marine Corps before deciding art school was a safer pursuit. He enjoys art, comics, and genre novels. A graphic designer, he has trained in Krav Maga and Muay Thai kickboxing. His work has appeared in several anthologies of speculative fiction and can be found in Apex Magazine, Fiyah Magazine, Galaxy’s Edge, Lamplight, Nightlight Podcast, as well as the novels Lightning Wears a Red Cape, Blood for the Sun, and All the Dead Men. Visit erricknunnally.us to learn more about his work.
Kyle Rader is the author of the novels My BFF Satan, Kegger, and Four Bullets. He lives in New Hampshire with his wife, son, and dog, Scrambles. He can be found at kylerader.net or @youroldpalkile on Twitter.
Morgan Sylvia is a metalhead, an Aquarius, a coffee addict, and a work in progress. A former obituarist, she is now a full-time freelance writer. Her fiction and poetry have appeared in several places, including Pseudopod, Wicked Witches, Northern Frights, Under Her Skin, Haunted House Short Stories, Endless Apocalypse, Twice Upon an Apocalypse, and The Final Summons. She is also the author of two novels: a horror novel, Abode; a fantasy novel, Dawn: Book 1 of the Aris Trilogy; and two poetry collections, Whispers From The Apocalypse and As the Seas Turn Red, which was nominated for an Elgin Award. She was also one of the co-writers for Realm’s werewolf audio drama Undertow: Blood Forest. Sylvia currently lives in Maine with her boyfriend, two tuxedo cats, a chubby goldfish, the cutest rescue dog ever, and a pet banshee. You can follow her at www.morgansylvia.com.
Reviews to come!