Night Shop (eBook)
- Author: Terry Dowling
- Page Count: 372
- Pub. Date: February 7, 2018
- Status: E-Book
Night Shop
by Terry Dowling
About the eBook:
You may have found it too, down a side-street, in a back lane, up or down some stairs. Open at odd hours, usually after sundown, mostly way past midnight, just a few lights showing. Windows filled with half-seen things, all darkling glints and firefly shimmer, suddenly precious.
You know the kind. You've found one, seen one, dreamed one, imagined it there in the small hours, primed and waiting. You've probably tried to find it again, found it locked, found it gone. Some places never stay.
But who chooses to open in these empty late-night hours, wants to, needs to? What people come to its door when the wind is in the trees, singing in the wires, scattering leaves along the sidewalks?
Forgotten. Overlooked. Waiting. These are the watchwords for such a place. And others. Soon. Believe.
Your chance. Your chance again. You've found it and it's open. The door swings back. The little bell rings. The sound trails off into the night, the wind, forlorn.
At first there's no-one. Then, of course, there is.
"You made it," a voice says, deliciously strange yet strangely familiar. Then there's the smile, what might just be a wink. "So much for a good night's sleep, eh?"
Australia's internationally acclaimed master of horror and dark fantasy, winner of the 2007 International Horror Guild Award for Best Collection, serves up another 18 of his wonderfully disturbing tales of appropriate fear, among them such treasured "Best of" selections as "Two Steps Along the Road," "Nightside Eye" and "Mariners' Round," "Toother," "The Sleepover," and "Dark Me, Night You." This is the kind of sharp intelligent horror others dream of...
About the Author:
Terry Dowling is one of Australia's most respected and internationally acclaimed writers of horror, dark fantasy and science fiction, and author of the multi-award-winning Tom Rynosseros saga. He has been called "Australia's finest writer of horror" by Locus magazine and its "premier writer of dark fantasy" by All Hallows. Locus also calls him a "highly original" writer and regards his work as placing him "among the masters of the field." The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror series featured more horror stories by Terry in its 21 year run than by any other writer.
Terry's award-winning horror collections are Basic Black: Tales of Appropriate Fear (International Horror Guild Award winner for Best Collection 2007), regarded as "one of the best recent collections of contemporary horror" by the American Library Association, Aurealis Award-winning An Intimate Knowledge of the Night, and the World Fantasy Award nominated Blackwater Days. His most recent books are Amberjack: Tales of Fear & Wonder and his debut novel, Clowns at Midnight, which London's Guardian called "an exceptional work that bears comparison to John Fowles's The Magus."
Terry has written three computer adventures (Schizm: Mysterious Journey, Schizm II: Chameleon and Sentinel: Descendants in Time), and co-edited The Essential Ellison and The Jack Vance Treasury among many other titles. He lives in Sydney, Australia and his homepage can be found at www.terrydowling.com