Picking the Bones (eBook)
- Author: Brian Hodge
- Page Count: 313
- Pub. Date: June 13, 2012
- Status: E-Book
Picking the Bones
by Brian Hodge
About the eBook:
Dying is easy. Living is hard.
Step back, back into the world of 1996…
"Dark fiction so numbing cold and cutting edge you better hold onto your ass with your free hand … There are no simple ‘entertainments' or cheap grabs for the throat to be found here. Hodge is deadly serious about presenting a world where the worst punishment is the mere fact that you are aware you will probably live to see another day."
So wrote critic Stanley Wiater about Brian Hodge's renowned first short fiction collection, The Convulsion Factory. Three collections later, nothing has changed.
Well … maybe one or two trifling entertainments. A couple of cheap grabs for some body part or another. But that's about it. There are still plenty of fates worse than death.
Table of Contents:
With Acknowledgments To Sun Tzu
If I Should Wake Before I Die
The Passion of the Beast
De Fortuna
The Firebrand Symphony
Brushed In Blackest Silence
An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Flesh
And They Will Come In The Hour of Our Greatest Need
Re: Your Application of 5/5
Where the Black Stars Fall
When the Silence Gets Too Loud
Hate the Sinner, Love the Sin
A Good Dead Man Is Hard To Find
Our Turn Too Will One Day Come
When the Bough Doesn't Break
Brian Hodge is the author of ten novels and close to 100 short stories. Recent
books include Hellboy: On Earth As It Is In Hell (Pocket Books) and World of Hurt (Earthling Publications), which furthers his growing
story cycle of the Misbegotten. Future works include his fourth story collection,
a new novel that's underway, and further installments in the Misbegotten saga.
He lives in Colorado, where he also indulges interests in music and sound design,
photography, local microbrews, and mountain air.