The Crossings
- Author: Jack Ketchum
- Artist: Neal McPheeters
- Page Count: 100
- Pub. Date: 2003
- ISBN: 1-58767-067-4
- Status: Out of Print
"There's another writer here tonight who writes under the
name of Jack Ketchum and he has also written what may be the best book of his
career, a long novella called The Crossings. Have you read it?"
— Stephen King, from his 2003 National Book Awards Acceptance Speech
The Crossings
by Jack Ketchum
About the Book:
It's the Arizona Territory. The year, 1848. The year the Mexican War ended.
Fate and blazing pistols have just thrown together reporter and part-time drunk
Marion T. Bell and the very nearly legendary John Charles Hart, mustanger and
scout, in the Little Fanny Saloon. Plying the river-trade across the Colorado
to the gold fields of California in the north, and war-torn Mexico to the south,
the town of Gable's Ferry has sprung up overnight—lacking
only a church, a schoolhouse and a jail.
Though some would say that only the jail was needed.
A rough place in a lawless era. About to become a hell of a lot more so one
night when Hart, Bell and the easy-going giant Mother Knuckles stumble upon
Elena, a fierce, young, badly wounded Mexican woman near the banks of the Colorado.
She's naked. She's been bullwhipped, knifed and branded. And she tells them
about the kidnap, rape and servitude she and her sister have endured at the
hands of las hermanas de lupo, the deadly Valenzura Sisters and their
henchman, the deserter Paddy Ryan, at the well-manned slave-camp across the
river aptly called Garanta del Diablo—Mouth
of the Devil.
It's just three hundred years since Cortez. Only three hundred years since the
Old Gods of Mexico were in their full and fearsome flower.
Tezcatlipoca, god of the moon and the night. Tlazolteotl, Eater of
Filth. Xipe, Lord of the Flayed.
Blood for rain. Blood for bounty.
For many, like the Valenzura Sisters, they have never died.
And Elena's sister's still there.
Jack Ketchum is the pseudonym for a former actor, singer, teacher, literary
agent, lumber salesman, and soda jerk—a former
flower child and baby boomer who figures that in 1956 Elvis, dinosaurs and horror
probably saved his life. His first novel, Off Season, prompted the Village Voice to publicly scold its publisher in print for publishing
violent pornography. He personally disagrees but is perfectly happy to let you
decide for yourself. His short story "The Box" won a 1994 Bram Stoker
Award from the HWA, his story "Gone" won again in 2000—and
in 2003 he won Stokers for both best collection for Peaceable Kingdom and best
long fiction for Closing Time. He has written eleven novels,
the latest of which are Red, Ladies' Night, and The Lost. His stories are collected in The Exit At Toledo Blade Boulevard, Broken on the
Wheel of Sex, and Peaceable Kingdom. His novella The
Crossings was cited by Stephen King in his speech at the
2003 National Book Awards.
Published in two states:
• Limited
Edition of 1,500 signed copies ($35)
• Traycased
Lettered Edition of 52 signed and lettered copies bound in leather with a
satin ribbon page marker ($175)