University (eBook)
- Author: Bentley Little
- Artist: Elder Lemon Design
- Page Count: 425
- Pub. Date: August 1, 2017
- Status: E-Book
"Bentley Little keeps the high-tension jolts coming. By the time I finished, my nerves were pretty well fried, and I have a pretty high shock level. University is unlike anything else in popular fiction."
— Stephen King
by Bentley Little
About the eBook:
Once, the southern California campus was praised for its high honors and distinguished tradition. But this semester, the esteemed institution is going through a change. This semester, UC Brea is really coming alive...
In a dark campus parking lot, a female student senses a presence, but it's too late to scream...
An unnatural appetite possesses a school janitor who lingers in the stairwells, waiting...
And after nightfall, the sixth-floor library is strictly forbidden. Anyone who's gone there knows why...
Because something at UC Brea wants to teach the students a lesson...
"Bentley Little keeps the high-tension jolts coming. By the time I finished, my nerves were pretty well fried, and I have a pretty high shock level. University is unlike anything else in popular fiction."
— Stephen King
"If there's a better horror novelist than Bentley Little working today, I don't know who it is."
— Los Angeles Times
Bentley Little was born in Arizona a month after his mother attended the world premiere of Psycho. He received his BA in Communications and MA in English and Comparative Literature at California State University Fullerton. His Master's thesis was the novel The Revelation, which was later published and won the Bram Stoker Award in 1991. Since then, he has written many more novels and his work has been translated into seven different languages. Several of his novels have been optioned for film.
His work has appeared in many issues of Cemetery Dance magazine, including Cemetery Dance #64, which was the Bentley Little Special Issue and featured an original interview with him and two of his brand new short stories.
When asked in that issue why he writes horror, he answered: "I write horror because I have to. That's the way my mind works. Those are the ideas that come to me. I've never felt limited by the genre. How could I? Horror fiction offers an author the broadest possible canvas on which to work. I have all of the real-world subjects at my disposal that a mainstream writer does—plus the infinite realm of the supernatural. Creatively, there's nothing else that comes close to this sort of scope, which is why there is nothing I would rather be than a horror writer."