Dark Screams: Volume Two
- Editor: Richard Chizmar and Brian James Freeman
- Artist: Elderlemon Design
- Page Count: 138 (estimated)
- Pub. Date: March 3, 2015
- Status: E-Book
Dark Screams: Volume Two
edited by Richard Chizmar and Brian James Freeman
edited by Richard Chizmar and Brian James Freeman
Featuring Robert McCammon, Norman Prentiss, Shawntelle Madison, Graham Masterton, and Richard Christian Matheson
Please Note: This eBook is not published by Cemetery Dance, but we've created this product page to make it easier for our readers to find all of the information about this exciting new project!
About the Book:
Robert McCammon, Norman Prentiss, Shawntelle Madison, Graham Masterton, and Richard Christian Matheson scale new heights of horror, mystery, and grimmest fantasy in Dark Screams: Volume Two, from Brian James Freeman and Richard Chizmar of world-renowned Cemetery Dance Publications.
THE DEEP END by Robert McCammon
Everyone thinks the drowning death of Neil Calder in the local swimming pool was a tragic accident. Only his father knows better. Now, on the last night of summer, Neil returns in search of revenge.
INTERVAL by Norman Prentiss
Flight 1137 from St. Louis by way of Nashville has gone missing. As anxious friends and family gather around the gate, a ticket clerk finds herself eyewitness to a moment of inhuman evil.
IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK by Shawntelle Madison
Eleanor has come from New York City to prep an old Victorian house in Maine for America's Mysterious Hotspots. Although she's always thrown herself into her work, this job will take her places she's never dreamed of going.
THE NIGHT HIDER by Graham Masterton
C. S. Lewis wrote about a portal that led to a world of magic and enchantment. But the wardrobe in Dawn's room holds only death—until she solves its grisly mystery.
WHATEVER by Richard Christian Matheson
A 1970s rock 'n' roll band that never was—in a world that is clearly our own . . . but perhaps isn't, not anymore . . . or, at least, not yet—takes one hell of a trip.
Chizmar is the founder and publisher/editor of Cemetery Dance magazine
and the Cemetery Dance Publications book imprint. He has edited more than a
dozen anthologies, including The Best of Cemetery Dance, The Earth Strikes
Back, Night Visions 10, October Dreams (with Robert Morrish), and the Shivers series. Chizmar's fiction has appeared in dozens of publications, including Ellery
Queen's Mystery Magazine and The Year's 25 Finest Crime and Mystery
Stories. He has won two World Fantasy Awards, four International Horror
Guild Awards, and the HWA's Board of Trustees Award. Chizmar has appeared at numerous conferences as a writing instructor, guest
speaker, panelist, and guest of honor.
Brian James Freeman is the author of The Painted Darkness, Black Fire, Blue November Storms, More Than Midnight, Weak and Wounded, Dreamlike States, Lost and Lonely, The Illustrated Stephen King Movie Trivia Book (with Kevin Quigley and Hans-Åke Lilja), and The Illustrated Stephen King Trivia Book (with Bev Vincent). Seven Stories, an eBook exclusive short story collection, was the #1 bestselling story collection on Amazon.com in the US, UK, Germany, Spain, and France, and #2 bestseller in Italy, during the first week of February 2012. He is the managing editor of Cemetery Dance magazine and the publisher of Lonely Road Books. He is also the founder and publisher of Books to Benefit, a small press that publishes special Limited Editions of books to raise funds for good causes. Visit him on the web at www.BrianJamesFreeman.com