Placeholders (eBook)

Placeholders (eBook)

  • Author: John R. Little
  • Page Count: 100
  • Pub. Date: July 14, 2011
  • Status: E-Book

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by John R. Little

About the eBook:
For most of us death comes only once.

For Richard, that rule no longer applies. He has died hundreds of times over, taking the place of those in agony as well as those unaware, men and women alike, as they each meet their death.

Along this macabre passage through seeming immortality, he begins to suspect that these unrelated deaths cloak a personal mystery and discovers that the horror of the truth resides where death is no longer a safe refuge…

John R. Little was born in London, Canada, and started writing short stories at the age of twelve. The stories he wrote at the time are not memorable.

After graduating university with a major in Computer Science and a minor in Math, he moved to Vancouver, one of the most beautiful cities in North America. His first publications trickled in. At the same time, the business world called and kept John busy working on designing large-scale computer applications.

John has two wonderful grown children, Peri and Christian, and two grand-children. Christian's daughter is Mariechen, and Peri's daughter is Cavell.

Recently, John has started writing again with a passion, and has had a number of publications, with others planned for the coming year.

His first novel, The Memory Tree, was published by Nocturne Press in 2007. It was nominated for the Bram Stoker award for best first novel. A novella, Placeholders, was then published by Necessary Evil Press. This book was nominated for the Black Quill award.

"John R. Little's Placeholders is a strange, mind-bending trip that opens with a blow to the solar plexus that leaves the reader gasping for breath.  Little is a wildly talented writer whose writing is matched only by his extraordinary imagination."
Ray Garton

"Placeholders confirms my suspicion that John R. Little is the “Lost” generation's answer to Jack Finney; this intelligent, beautifully-structured, and often deeply-moving novelette is full of surprises, is endlessly inventive, and steers refreshingly clear of the usual tired cliches associated with time-travel stories – though to call Placeholders a simple time-travel story is to do a great injustice to this tidy mind-bender.  Sit back and let John R. Little take you on a splendid journey – and watch out for the last scenes; you never see it coming."
— Gary A. Braunbeck

"It ups the ante for those of us who care about the written word, the phantasmagoric, and being able to not only tell a story but paint a portrait of emotion that runs the gamut in a short period of time."
— Hellnotes

"John Little has quickly become one of the best in a field where mediocrity is all too often the norm."
— Horror Drive-In

"Where has John Little been? He seems to have popped out of the woodwork a fully formed, extremely talented author... I suggest tracking this one down it's worth the hunt as this is a story that will stay will you long after you turn the last page."
— Horror World