Stacy and Her Idiot: A Short Story (eBook)
- Author: Peter Atkins
- Page Count: 21
- Pub. Date: March 1, 2016
- Status: E-Book
Stacy and Her Idiot: A Short Story
by Peter Atkins
About the eBook:
I'd already guessed the coke was fake—junkies rarely wake you up for any reason other than the absence of a fix—but it was a little odder than that. The package I'd brought was split open on the coffee table and the powder was scattered everywhere, which allowed me an unobstructed view of the packet's surprise crackerjack gift.
It was a severed finger.
When Stacy and her idiot boyfriend visit the source to demand a refund, they get a lot more than they bargained for. As a friend attempts their rescue, she finds out there are worse things than tainted cocaine, gang wars, and reprisal killings—for example, a strange old crone dubbed The Planet Trilethium…
Surprises abound in this surreal and suspenseful story from Peter Atkins—creator of Wishmaster, screenwriter for three Hellraiser movies, and author of Morningstar, Big Thunder, and Moontown.
Praise and Reviews:
"A wry exercise in supernatural noir, perfectly couching its horrors in the hard-boiled idiom."
— Publishers Weekly
"Atkins creates a tough-talking lesbian narrator and a druggy LA milieu in hard clean prose to which most detective novelists can only aspire."
— Los Angeles Times
Peter Atkins is the author of the novels Morningstar, Big Thunder, and Moontown and the screenplays Hellraiser II, Hellraiser III, Hellraiser IV, and Wishmaster. His short fiction has appeared in such anthologies as The Museum of Horrors, Dark Delicacies II, Hellbound Hearts, Gutshot, and The Alchemy Press Book of Pulp Heroes, and has been selected eight times for one or more of the various "Year's Best" anthologies. His most recent book, Rumours of the Marvellous, a collection of his short fiction, was a finalist for the British Fantasy Award. He is the co-founder with Glen Hirshberg of The Rolling Darkness Revue, an annual folly they commit at whatever theatre will let them. He blogs at: peteratkins.blogspot.com