The Mailman (The 20th Anniversary Limited Edition)
- Author: Bentley Little
- Artist: Les Edwards
- Page Count: 416
- Pub. Date: April 17, 2012
- ISBN: 978-1-58767-269-9
- Status: Out of Print
Stephen King calls him "A master of the macabre!"
The Mailman: The 20th Anniversary Special Limited Edition
by Bentley Little
Featuring cover artwork by Les Edwards
About the Book:
Once upon a time, waiting for the mail was filled with warm anticipation. But the suicide of the local mailman has left the residents of this tiny Arizona town shell-shocked. Nothing this bad has ever happened here. And now there's a new mail carrier in town, one who's delivering lethal letters stuffed with icy fear. Nothing — not even the most outstanding citizens or the most secret weaknesses — is safe from the sinister power of this malicious mailman...
Special Features Exclusive to this Deluxe Collector's Edition:
• deluxe oversized (7 X 10) design different from any other edition ever published
• a unique signature sheet featuring artwork by Glenn Chadbourne and personally signed by the author
• fine binding for both the Limited Edition and the Lettered Edition
• full color cover artwork by Les Edwards
• extremely collectible print run that is a tiny fraction of the hundreds of thousands of copies of the paperback editions that have been printed over the years — and you will NOT see our edition in chain bookstores!
Photo of the Book With the Optional Slipcase:
Bentley Little was born in Arizona a month after his mother attended the world premiere of Psycho. He received his BA in Communications and MA in English and Comparative Literature at California State University Fullerton. His Master's thesis was the novel The Revelation, which was later published and won the Bram Stoker Award in 1991. Since then, he has written many more novels and his work has been translated into seven different languages. Several of his novels have been optioned for film.
His work has appeared in many issues of Cemetery Dance magazine, including Cemetery Dance #64, which was the Bentley Little Special Issue and featured an original interview with him and two of his brand new short stories.
When asked in that issue why he writes horror, he answered: "I write horror because I have to. That's the way my mind works. Those are the ideas that come to me. I've never felt limited by the genre. How could I? Horror fiction offers an author the broadest possible canvas on which to work. I have all of the real-world subjects at my disposal that a mainstream writer does—plus the infinite realm of the supernatural. Creatively, there's nothing else that comes close to this sort of scope, which is why there is nothing I would rather be than a horror writer."
Published in two states:
• Deluxe Oversized Hardcover Limited Edition of 1,000 signed and hand-numbered copies bound in full-cloth, Smyth sewn, and featuring a full-color signature sheet ($60)
• Deluxe Traycased Hardcover Lettered Edition of 52 signed and hand-lettered copies bound in leather
and Smyth sewn with a satin ribbon page marker, a full-color signature sheet, and a color frontispiece, housed in a traycase ($400)
Photos include the optional slipcase: