Saurian (eBook)
- Author: William Schoell
- Page Count: 365
- Pub. Date: August 1, 2017
- Status: E-Book
by William Schoell
About the eBook:
It appeared mysteriously, at night, and destroyed the town with amazing swiftness. Houses were flattened, the bodies of men, women, and children were crushed and mangled, hundreds were missing, vanished without a trace. No one knew what had happened or why.
Years later, the sole survivor of the holocaust, Tom Bartlett, began to suffer blinding visions -- visions of a huge creature unparallelled in size, intelligence, and evil. He was frightened, but something was calling him back to the ruins of his boyhood home. He was the only man alive who had even guessed at the creature's existence, and he knew he must find it before it struck again.
What he didn't know was that while he was searching for the beast, it was searching for him...
About the Author:
William Schoell is the author of more than thirty published books, including novels, biographies, celebrity/movie star books, and books on pop culture and the performing arts. He lives in Manhattan.