News From The Dead Zone #94

Breaking News from the Dead Zone

The official title for King’s upcoming short story collection is Just Past Sunset. The publication date and story list are still being finalized but a fall 2008 date is a possibility.

King enlisted input from posters on his message board for one of his upcoming essays. He writes: “As you know, I do a column for Entertainment Weekly, and I had an idea for a column called My Worst Entertainment Experience. If you have stories about your absolute worst entertainment experience—anything from a guy who threw up in your lap at a movie to a concert where the lead singer passed out—let me know. Please limit your responses to 100 or so words. After all Ms. Mod and I have to wade our way through these things. In any case, thank you for your help! And if you never had a terrible entertainment experience…I hate you!” Though the thread is no longer accepting contributions, you can read the stories here.

McSweeney’s 27 will contain the new King short story “A Very Tight Place.” Visit the web site for ordering information (it should be out in May or June) and for a description of the issue’s unique presentation. “A Very Tight Place” was inspired by King’s vision of what would happen if someone was in a port-a-pottie when it fell over and blocked the door shut. “And immediately I’m thinking Poe, The Premature Burial, I’m thinking about all the buried alive stories that I’ve ever read, and I’m thinking, but I’ve never read a story about anyone trapped in a Porta-Pottie. And there are so many interesting things that you can do with people who are in tight places, people’s feelings of claustrophobia are easy to bring out.”