Abandoned Voices in the Rain: A Look at “Ghost EVP in Buckner Building, Whittier, Alaska”

“Ghost EVP in Buckner Building, Whittier, Alaska”
Funemployment Radio podcast (April 2018)
Reviewed by Robert Brouhard

Greg Nibler and Sarah X Dylan with Funemployment Radio may not be totally household names, but Sarah’s art has appeared on the cover of Cemetery Dance magazine, and their great and funny podcast with over 2,000 episodes is a must-listen.

When Funemployment Radio posts a video, you know something funny or just plain cool is going to happen. Every once in a great while, they post something creepy and horror-related (I’ve reviewed a previous video by them, but this one is free). Well, here’s the horror-fun part, in “Episode 1999: The Dandelion Man,” their friend “Bob” entered (*cough-trespassed-cough*) an abandoned building called the Buckner Building in Whittier, Alaska, and videoed its creepiness. “Bob” did not make a peep, and, well, some otherworldly sounds were picked up in this video. Thankfully, Funemployment Radio shared it on their YouTube channel.  When you watch, don’t listen to their comments after they play the video, just listen…especially to the last 20 seconds of the minute-and-a-half clip.  What do you hear? Now, listen to their comments.

Even if you think it might be a hoax by “Bob,” the footage of the inside of a decades-abandoned building is a feast of beautiful chaotic disintegration.

And now, for some history: From what I’ve heard, the town of Whittier is known as the most haunted town in Alaska. That’s creepy enough, but about 1,000 people lived in the Buckner Building during World War II. The building was mostly destroyed in the devastating 1964 Alaska earthquake.

Do you agree with Funemployment Radio? Was it really a (*SPOILER*) rated-R voice (ha ha)? They’d love to know what you think. Go comment on their YouTube video!

Robert Brouhard is a freelance writer and an active member of the Horror Writers Association.

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