Review: Hellweg’s Keep by Justin Holley

cover of Hellweg's KeepHellweg’s Keep by Justin Holley
Flame Tree Press (November 2023)
256 pages; $16.77 paperback; $4.99 e-book
Reviewed by Dave Simms

Horror in space has always held a special place in many readers’ hearts. However, for the most part it’s been more prevalent on the screen than on the page. Thankfully, the subgenre has been making a comeback in the past few years, striking a fine balance between science fiction and dread.

Justin Holley has added an interesting entry into this canon with Hellweg’s Keep. a novel that brings to mind several elements of well-known and well-loved stories, including The Thing, the worlds of Philip K. Dick and H.P. Lovecraft — all while keeping it grounded, no pun intended.Continue Reading

Review: Faithless by Hunter Shea

cover of Faithless by Hunter SheaFaithless by Hunter Shea
Flame Tree Press (October 19, 2021)
304 pages; $24.95 hardcover ; $14.95 paperback ; $6.99 e-book
Reviewed by Janine Pipe

Faithless is the latest novel by Hunter Shea from Flame Tree Press and, yet again, he knocks it out of the park. I don’t hide the fact that Hunter is my favorite writer (alongside Glenn Rolfe) but there is a very good reason for this—he never fails to deliver.Continue Reading

Review: Your Turn to Suffer by Tim Waggoner

cover of your turn to suffer by tim waggonerYour Turn to Suffer by Tim Waggoner
Flame Tree Press (March 2021)
256 pages; $21.74 hardcover; $14.16 paperback; $6.99 e-book
Reviewed by Sadie “Mother Horror” Hartmann

Lori suffers from stress-induced migraines. She is enjoying a pain-free day shopping for groceries when she is approached by a woman crowding her personal space. Lori notices the woman has peculiar eyes… a slit instead of a round pupil.

“Confess and atone-or suffer.”Continue Reading

Review: The Raven by Jonathan Janz

The Raven by Jonathan Janz
Flame Tree Press (September 8, 2020)

256 pages; $24.95; $14.95 paperback
Reviewed by Sadie “Mother Horror” Hartmann

Perhaps the most interesting thing about horror is the vast variety in its sub-genres. So many tropes fit under the horror umbrella; I truly believe there’s something for everyone. I passionately believe the horror genre is plenty sufficient to cover any thirst for diversity in your reading. 

My top-shelf writers of horror, the mega-talented, often write books categorized in the full spectrum of the genre. The opposite of the one-trick pony, these authors are part and parcel of horror fiction. 

Jonathan Janz is one of those authors writing bestsellers that cover a lot of ground. Supernatural, paranormal, creature-features, noir, gothic, you name it and Janz has tried it; successfully.Continue Reading

Review: Hellrider by J.G. Faherty

Hellrider by J.G. Faherty
Flame Tree Press (August 2019)
304 pages; $24.95 hardcover; $10.37 paperback
Reviewed by A.E. Siraki

Eddie Ryder is a reluctant protagonist who owns his departed father Big Eddie’s car garage, but it’s a burden he did not wish for. He used to be a member of a biker gang called the Hell Riders. On top of being repulsive in many ways, they’re also devoted to racism. Eddie still respects most of their code, not out of choice, but out of necessity and survival. Continue Reading

Review: Stoker’s Wilde by Steven Hopstaken and Melissa Prusi

Editor’s Note: Our friend and colleague Frank Michaels Errington passed away on May 31. Since then, it’s been our honor to continue to run, with the gracious permission of Frank’s family, the reviews Frank had filed with us before his death. Today, it’s with great sadness and great pride that we run our final Frank Michaels Errington review. We miss you, buddy.

Stoker’s Wilde by Steven Hopstaken and Melissa Prusi
Flame Tree Press (May 30, 2019)
288 pages; $16.48 hardcover; $10.37 paperback; $6.99 e-book
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

Stoker’s Wilde is the first novel by the writing team of Steven Hopstaken & Melissa Prusi. At first look, readers may be tempted to skip this book—after all, the authors are relatively unknown. It’s written entirely in journal entries, letters, and various articles, a format I generally find off-putting. And then there’s the subject matter: Bram Stoker and Oscar Wilde fighting werewolves and vampires.Continue Reading

Review: Second Lives by P.D. Cacek

Editor’s Note: Our friend and colleague Frank Michaels Errington passed away on May 31. Frank was a voracious reader and prolific reviewer, and had filed several reviews with us before we lost him. His family has granted us permission to run those reviews, including the one below.

Second Lives by P.D. Cacek
Flame Tree Press (April 2019)
304 pages; $16.48 hardcover; $10.37 paperback; $6.99 e-book
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

P.D. Cacek’s brilliant novel, Second Lives, tells the stories of Henry, Sara, Jaime, and Helen, who all pass away in the present day. It also tells us about Timmy, Elisabeth, Aryeh, and Crissy, who have all died at various times over the last century.Continue Reading

Review: The Widening Gyre by Michael R. Johnston

Editor’s Note: Our friend and colleague Frank Michaels Errington passed away on May 31. Frank was a voracious reader and prolific reviewer, and had filed several reviews with us before we lost him. His family has granted us permission to run those reviews, including the one below.

The Widening Gyre: The Remberance War Book 1 by Michael R. Johnston
Flame Tree Press (March 2019)
256 pages; $16.48 hardcover; $10.37 paperback; $6.29 e-book
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

Warning: The Widening Gyre: The Remembrance War Book 1 is the beginning of a series. The good news is this is a complete story. Should you decide not to read future tales in said series, you can rest assured you’ve read a great yarn. But, I can’t imagine you not wanting to read the rest of the stories Michael R. Johnston has planned. The Widening Gyre is the best Space Opera I’ve read in years.Continue Reading

Review: The Gemini Experiment by Brian Pinkerton

The Gemini Experiment by Brian Pinkerton
Flame Tree Press (May 30, 2019)
240 pages; $16.48 hardcover; $10.37 paperback; $6.99 e-book
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

The premise is somewhat familiar and rather simple. Technology has advanced to the point where it’s possible to digitize the mind. Combine this with the ability to create a perfect, nearly indestructible, mirror-image of a human body and you have the recipe for immortality…or disaster.Continue Reading

Review: The Hungry Moon by Ramsey Campbell

The Hungry Moon by Ramsey Campbell
Flame Tree Press (April 2019)
368 pages; $18.19 hardcover; $10.37 paperback; $6.99 e-book
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

It had to happen sooner or later. I found a Ramsey Campbell book I actually liked.  

Mostly.Continue Reading

Review: The Dark Game by Jonathan Janz

The Dark Game by Jonathan Janz
Flame Tree Press (April 2019)

352 pages; $16.48 hardcover; $10.37 paperback; $6.99 e-book
Reviewed by Sadie Hartmann

2019 is the year of Jonathan Janz. There. I said it. Flame Tree Press performed the remarkable act of acquiring his previously released titles and then doling them out to us on a pretty aggressive schedule, which is an impressive gesture all on its own…but wait! There’s more. Flame Tree is also releasing new titles from Janz.Continue Reading

Review: Black Wings by Megan Hart

Black Wings by Megan Hart
Flame Tree Press (February 2019)
240 pages; $20.64 hardcover; $10.37 paperback; $6.99 e-book
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

Briella is a bright child, some would say gifted. That being said, she does have trouble making friends.

Along with a loathing for personal hygiene and lack of friends, Briella had taken up lying. Much like her father, she wasn’t really very good at it.

Continue Reading

Review: The Haunting of Henderson Close by Catherine Cavendish

The Haunting of Henderson Close by Catherine Cavendish
Flame Tree Press (January 2019)
240 pages; $16.48 hardcover; $12.86 paperback; $6.29 e-book
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

Catherine Cavendish is a prolific writer of horror, frequently with ghostly, supernatural, Gothic and haunted house themes. She’s very active on social  media. I have no idea why I’ve never read her work before now, but now that I’ve finally read one of her novels, I know I’ll be back for more.Continue Reading

Review: The Playing Card Killer by Russell James

The Playing Card Killer by Russell James
Flame Tree Press (February 2019)

288 pages; $20.62 hardcover; $12.38 paperback; $6.99 e-book
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

Wow. First read of a brand new author for me and I absolutely loved it.  There truly is no greater thrill than finding a new writer whose work keeps you guessing from start to finish. Okay, I can think of one or two greater thrills, but you get the point.Continue Reading

Review: Will Haunt You by Brian Kirk

Will Haunt You by Brian Kirk
Flame Tree Press (March 2019)
240 pages; $24.81 hardcover; $12.38 paperback; $6.99 e-book
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

I finished reading Brian Kirk’s latest novel over a week ago and put off writing my review to allow this story time to gel in my mind. Or, maybe ferment is a better word. The whole concept of Will Haunt You is a bit of a mind-altering experience.Continue Reading